We. Are. LUX.
We are a family of designers, artisans, and epicureans with a lifetime of combined expertise. Founded in 1995, LUX is built on passion and an unwavering commitment to excellence. We are obsessed with innovation and pushing boundaries.
We understand that our success would not be possible without the dedication and hard work from our amazing employees. We ensure our employees feel valued and appreciated at LUX. We do so by offering a multitude of employee appreciation events, benefits, perks, awards, and most importantly – our culture!

Let’s take a moment and talk about our vision statement and how it was born. In 2017 a handful of our leadership team attended the Disney Institute, a professional development course all about perfecting your hospitality! During the course the instructors encouraged all participants to create a vision statement and a mission statement. Our leadership team brought that information back to LUX and started brainstorming.
Leadership made the decision to bring the conversation into our departments. During a LUX townhall, with all of our employees present, we went through an exercise where everyone wrote their thoughts about LUX on a whiteboard. From there we narrowed our selections down to what we felt embodied LUX! Meaning, our vision statement was written entirely by our teams!

One part of our statement that has stuck out to us over the years is ‘We are Unicorns’. When we asked our teams to elaborate on this concept we were met with “Being unicorns means we are magical! We do not have limitations and we accept every challenge.” We feel this to our core, it’s who we are! We have embodied this persona in all of our teams, and we’re proud to be LUX Unicorns!
The LUX Unicorn has become a mascot for us. We’ve even had team members dress up as a unicorn for Halloween! Now introducing our newest team member – ALUXie! She’s always cheerful and upbeat, and we’re all happy to see her every day! 😉 In the next few weeks ALUXie will be going on a world tour through our buildings, giving gifts to each of our departments, and sharing with our teams what being a LUX Unicorn means!